941-812-0214 [email protected]

PCQI Training



Are You Prepared to Meet FSMA Requirements?

Do you know if any of your ingredients are a SAHCODHA?


S.C.S. Food Safety in cooperation with the Florida Association of Food Protection is offering an Onsite PCQI 2.5 Day class on November 27-29 201. Class is from 8:30 am to 5 pm for the first two days and 9 am to 1 PM on the third day. Location is; Osprey Biotechnic, 1845 57th Street. Sarasota FL 34243.  This class is authorized by the FSPCA and is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA. The class will provide excellent training to assist you in developing your Food Safety Plan as required by the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 FSMA, now in effect.


Cost for the class is only; $700.00 (non FAFP members) and $650.00 for FAFP members, additional attendees from the same company $600. (FAFP membership is; $15.00 @ year).  Best practice is to have a backup for all your primary positions; i.e. PCQI, Recall Coordinator, HACCP Coord, Crisis Management, etc.  To sign up for the training contact Mike at; [email protected] or visit the scsfoodsafety.com website to sign up online. Further details will be provided at the time of signing up.  Cost includes: Training book, Exercise book, Training aids, supplemental information, lunch and drinks.  Class is limited to 15-20 to maintain that interactive aspect. 


The class will be taught by Mike Nolan, a longtime member and current member of the Board Directors of FAFP.  Mike has taught this class over 40 times and will provide insight into the nuances of the new law. The class will provide an interactive, processed based approach to learning FSMA.  When you finish this training, you will be trained to establish a well written Food Safety Plan as required by the FDA.  A PDF copy of the training will be provided.


Course Description: The Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation (referred to as the Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation) is intended to ensure safe manufacturing/processing, packing and holding of food products for human consumption in the United States. The regulation requires that certain activities must be completed by a “preventive controls qualified individual” who has “successfully completed training in the development and application of risk-based preventive controls”.  This course developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for a “preventive controls qualified individual.”

Additional Training;

HACCP 2 day class, Certified by the HACCP Alliance meets Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) standards (SQF, BRC, IFS, FSSC22000, etc.)
PCQI for Animal Food & FSVP Comments from latest training

Mike Nolan
President; SCS Food Safety
[email protected]
Cell: 941-812-0214
Fax: 941-718-4870

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