941-812-0214 mike@scsfoodsafety.com

Internal Auditor Training

Course presented by Mike Nolan – Mike has over 38 years’ experience working in Food Safety with extensive expertise in HACCP, GMP’s, Sanitation, Food Allergens, Food Defense, Quality Systems, Internal, 2nd and 3rd party audits, SQF, BRC, and Integrated Pest Management Programs. He has performed over 1000 audits across the world working for ASI, NSF, President of Safe Consulting Services, Food Safety Specialist for Delhaize. In 2005, he received the IFT “Sparkle Award” for Sanitation Excellence. In 2015, he received the “Sanitarian of the Year Award” from the Florida Association of Food Protection (FAFP)

Course Overview:
A common non-conformance during a GFSI benchmarked audit is that the company has mistaken self-inspections for internal audits. This course will give all attendees responsible for supporting an internal audit program the skills needed to run a successful program. This course will provide participants with the understanding of and be able to:

• Audit Basics, terminology
• Establish audit protocol
• Interviewing techniques, how to properly ask the right question
• GMP inspection vs Internal Audit activities
• Identifying non-conformances and effective corrective actions
• Internal Audit Program Management with corrective actions and management review
• Internal audit records, schedules, and processes
• Program Implementation, verification, validation

Additional Training;

HACCP 2 day class, Certified by the HACCP Alliance meets Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) standards (SQF, BRC, IFS, FSSC22000, etc.)
PCQI for Animal Food & FSVP
Comments from latest training

Mike Nolan
President; SCS Food Safety
Cell: 941-812-0214
Fax: 941-718-4870

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