941-812-0214 [email protected]

HAACP Training


SCS Food Safety is offering an Online Virtual HACCP Managers Certification class on June 1 & 2, 2017 from 8:30 am to 5 pm (ET) both days.  This class is Certified through the International HACCP Alliance and is recognized worldwide.

HAACP classes will provide excellent training to assist you in developing your Food Safety Plan as required by the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 FSMA.  Furthermore HACCP-based food safety training is required for Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) standards (SQF, BRC, IFS, FSSC22000, etc.).

The class will be taught by Mike Nolan, who has 35 years’ experience in the Food Industry. The class will provide an interactive, process based approach to HACCP.  When you finish this training, you will be well qualified to update your existing HACCP plan or to write a new one.  A PDF copy of the training will be provided.

Cost for the class is; $350.00 for 1, $300.00 for each additional from the same company.

To sign up for the training contact Mike at 941-812-0214, Michelle at 941-725-8827 or sign up below.  Further details will be provided at the time of signing up.  These classes fill up quickly and are limited to 16.

Class Agenda:

Codex Alimentarius

Benefits of HACCP

History of HACCP

HACCP Concepts

FSMA Preventative Controls for Human Food (overview, not PCQI training)

  • Linkage between HACCP and FSMA
  • Developing a Food Safety Plan
  • Determining Preventive Controls
  • Scope of a Food Safety Plan
  • PCQI understanding


  • Chemical
    • Allergens
    • Radiological (new)
  • Physical
  • Economically Motivated (new)


  • Bacteria
  • Virus
  • Parasites

Foodborne Illness

HACCP Logic Sequence (Linkage with FSMA)

  • Assemble a Team (Preliminary Step for FSMA)
  • Describe Product (Preliminary Step for FSMA)
  • Identify Intended use (Preliminary Step for FSMA)
  • Construct a Flow Diagram (Preliminary Step for FSMA
  • Verify the Flow Diagram

Conduct a Hazard Analysis (Required by FSMA) (Numerical Value)

Determine CCP or Preventive Control (Required by FSMA)

Establish Critical Limits, Parameters and Values (Required by FSMA)

Establish Monitoring (Required by FSMA)

Establish Corrective Action (Required by FSMA)

Root Cause Analysis (5 whys)

Establish Verification (Required by FSMA)

Establish Record Keeping (Required by FSMA)

  • Prerequisite Programs
  • Primary Production
  • Design and Facilities
  • Control of Operations
  • Maintenance and Sanitation
  • Personal Hygiene


Product Information and Consumer Awareness

Additional Training;

Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCQI) 2.5 day class meets FSMA requirements.

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